Mulligan’s: November 2023

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Mulligan’s: November 2023

Nov 1, 2023 | Mulligans, Newsletter

The golf season is finally winding down. It remains to be seen if November’s weather will cooperate and maybe allow for at least one last Friday morning outing. Please make sure that you are on the lookout for any emails from Jim Collins or Phil Kadet regarding play. If not remember lunch at 12:00 PM on Fridays at the Club is always an option to stay in touch.

The Mulligan’s Christmas party is planned for Thursday, December 14 at EACC. For those attending, party information will be sent via email and telephone calls to anyone not on the email list.

The votes are in and the 2024 Mulligan’s Officers are:

President:                     Jim Collins

1st Vice President:       Dick Westermeier

2nd Vice President:     Hap Keller

Secretary:                     Rudy Ruschmann

Treasurer:                     Phil Kadet

Golf Chairman:             Phil Kadet

A Happy Thanksgiving to all EACC members and their families.

A golf match is a test of your skill against your opponents’ luck!

Jim Collins, President


Rudy Ruschmann, Secretary
