The Post Card Committee has advised that post cards are slowly starting to trickle in. As an added incentive the Committee will be placing your post card in a “Special Drawing”. Three (3) lucky winners will receive “Free Golf Lessons” of their choice. If that doesn’t excite you enough to send in a post card, then nothing will!
It is time to check your meteorological calendar or the Farmer’s Almanac and send in your prediction to Phil Kadet for the date of the first Friday round of golf for the 2023 Mulligan’s season. This could be a “cash win fall” for anyone who guesses correctly!
Hopefully all the snowbird Mulligan’s have been sharpening their pickle ball skills and are ready for another competitive and fun filled season on the EACC courts.
The Clubhouse still plans to be closed until April. Therefore, the Mulligans will continue to meet at Wallenweins on Fridays at 12:00 noon.
As long as we have hope, tomorrow awaits!
Jim Collins,
(716) 479-4709
Rudy Ruschmann,
(716) 868-2489