Mulligan’s February News

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Mulligan’s February News

Feb 1, 2023 | Mulligans, Newsletter

The Mulligans, along with all members, are saddened by the passing, in January, of a dear friend the Hon. Fred Marshal. He will forever be remembered as an active and supportive member of EACC.

With the Clubhouse being closed until April, the Mulligans will plan on meeting at Wallenweins on Fridays at 12:00 noon.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Post Card committee never takes a day off. For those Mulligans out of town during the offseason remember that your post cards are expected.

If any Mulligan’s have questions, feel free to text or call Jim Collins at (716) 479-4709.

Looking forward to seeing you all in the Spring!

Jim Collins,
Mulligan’s President

Rudy Rushmann,