Message from the President: February 2022

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Message from the President: February 2022

Feb 1, 2022 | Members, Newsletter, President's Messages

Happy New Year to all. It is now the end of January and it will be warm April before we know it and we will be back on the course.

It is an honor to be the president of the club this year. It is also humbling to follow in the footsteps of last year’s excellent president, Ann Woloszynski. I am grateful for her example of how well to do this job.

I hope you will all take the opportunity to share your thoughts with me during the year. I welcome your suggestions and questions. They indicate your desire to make our club the best experience it can be.

The board held its first meeting last week and Dave Jones reported that our membership levels are at 285 members as of mid-January, the highest level so early in the year in recent memory. We then turned to discussion of 2022 goals and decided to focus special attention in the following areas throughout the year:

  • Create the designs and plans to ensure Phase 1 long-range plan implementation beginning in November
  • Complete the transformation of the business office
  • Implement small changes/projects that will have large impact for the club experience
  • Review our membership recruitment approach and our member relations activities to sustain our desired membership levels over time
  • Engage member groups (e.g., Mulligans, Women’s Board, past-presidents, etc.) for feedback on our plans and suggestions for effective member communications