EACC Women’s 9 Hole Group
Welcome to a hot start to the summer!!!! The ladies 9 holers have had great showings each week and have enjoyed many lunches on the patio so far this year. There is
still room in our roster if you would like to join our wonderful group of ladies. We had a successful ladies skills clinic In June provided by our golf pro and assistants.
Each one of us walked away with a few helpful tips. Their expertise was greatly appreciated.
Our July schedule is as follows:
• Wednesday July 3 – make up day for July 4th when the club is closed
• Thursday July 4 – no golf
• Thursday July 11 – summer skills
• Tuesday July 16 – Interclub: Pendleton Creek
• Thursday July 19 – no golf
• Thursday July 25 – no golf
• Tuesday July 30 – Interclub: Orchard Park CC
If you are interested in golfing in the Interclub, please sign up in the ladies locker room or be in touch with Mary Hinners as soon as possible.
Deb Radizon