IJM Update
March 2025
Well February has come and gone and despite my wishes in last month’s newsletter, temperatures have not rebounded at all. I am fairly certain we won’t match last year’s opening date of March 4.
The IJM is coming along nicely. We have a steady stream of applicants from both boys and girls and the Player Development Group will be extending their first group of invitations the first week of March. We have also begun soliciting sponsorships and that also appears to be progressing very well. Our partners at New Era and OnCore Golf are also on board to continue their longstanding support.
I always conclude the newsletter with a bit of a casting call for members to assist and was happy to hear from a few in February. We always appreciate adding new members to our ranks as that means new ideas as well. If you’d like to get involved, please reach out and we will be happy to put you to work!
Once more, let’s hope for an early thaw so we can get out on the golf course sometime in March.
Jeff Kamien
Tournament Director