Well, the groundhog has gone back into hibernation for another few weeks and the forecast seems to reflect that. I am always optimistic about an early start but it’s not looking that way at this point. I think we are all pretty much fed up with winter this year.
Some of our projects this year include cart path paving, additional tee work, replacement of some irrigation components, and the exploration of a potential maintenance building renovation. Our current facility has become aged and a bit small for our needs. We have dealt with this for quite some time but will begin to explore an expansion that will allow us to keep our equipment protected from the elements and give us space to do work we need within the maintenance complex.
Heather is settling into the business office and reacquainting herself with our systems as well as coming up to speed with our processes. Jenny has been extremely helpful in this transition, and we are thankful and lucky to have her.
Please remember, if you have question that I can help with don’t hesitate to contact me at
See you on the Course!
Drew Thompson, CGCS
Business Office
Business Office Hours:
Monday – Friday: 9am – 4pm