Mulligan’s: December 2023

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Mulligan’s: December 2023

Dec 1, 2023 | Mulligans, Newsletter


Save the Date:
Mulligans Christmas Party, Thursday December 14 at EACC.
Reception 5:00 PM with Dinner at 6:00 PM
If you have not yet confirmed your attendance and reservation,
please contact Jim Collins at (716) 479-4709.

Remember lunch on Fridays at 12:00 PM at the Club.

Safe travels to those EACC members that have or will be
traveling to a warmer climate
or other parts unknown. Please be safe and looking forward to
your return in the spring.

Now that the golf season has come to an end it is time to reflect
on our time spent at EACC.

Our days on the golf course are special,
not because of the quality of the golf that we play…
but because of the quality of the people we play with!!

Wishing ALL EACC members and their families
A Very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Jim Collins, President
(716) 479-4709

Rudy Ruschmann, Secretary
(716) 868-2489