Grounds and Business Office

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Grounds and Business Office

Dec 1, 2022 | Business Office, Grounds, Newsletter

Well, that escalated quickly. Everyone from Western NY knows what warm falls and high lake temperatures mean. Luckily, for us dealing with snow removal, this latest lake snow event wasn’t a huge deal and we cleaned things up in short order. Thanks to those of you that reached out and checked on us during the storm. It’s a reminder of how thoughtful and caring of a club EACC is. Looks like the holiday season is here.

The clubhouse renovation project is progressing nicely. Jeff Rosseer and his crew are doing excellent work and I’m excited to see the project progress as we move through the winter.

The grounds department is now officially in winter mode and will be out working on winter tree work as weather permits. Cody will be in the shop preparing all of our equipment for 2023. We will also begin the refurbishment of our on course accessories including benches, tee markers, etc.

Lastly, back by popular demand this year will be the Grounds Christmas Open House which will take place on Thursday December 22nd from 1:00-7:00 pm. This gives you all a chance to come and see the Maintenance Facility, meet some of our staff, enjoy some holiday cheer and have some food. Also returning will be the annual Cigar Swap. If you have participated in the past, I have your information. If you haven’t and would like to, please let me know.

Remember, if you have question that I can help with don’t hesitate to contact me at

See you on the Course!

Drew Thompson, CGCS